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March 31, 2012

Winter 2012 Anime Best OP/ED Sequences

Next up I'll be starting a series that shows off the best OPening and EnDing sequences of the previous season. Only those that were part of this ~13 episode season qualify. Anime that continued past 13ish episodes into this season only qualify if they changed their sequences. Also, because I've not watched all of these INsert sequences also do not qualify. Finally, if I can't find the video on Youtube, I won't bother qualifying it, unless it's so good that I opt to upload it myself. If you think I missed some, feel free to post in the comments. I do consider changing the winners! The categories are as follows:

  • Action - The sequence with the most craziness going on.
  • Animation - The sequence that best moves and choreographs it's assets. Not to be confused with Art.
  • Art - The sequence that has the best looking art. This category is VERY subjective. Not to be confused with Animation.
  • Choreography - The sequence which has the song best matched to the video.
  • Dance - The sequence with the best dancing. Stuff like Hare Hare Yukai.
  • Fun - The sequence that is most happy or funny. It's kind of a miscellaneous category.
  • Moe - The sequence that is most adorable/sexy without being distasteful or going over the top. *cough*Highschool DxD*cough*
  • Music - The best song used in an OP or ED. Bonus points for how well that song is choreographed to the video, but not necessary.
  • CuddleBunny's Choice OP - My favorite OP.
  • CuddleBunny's Choice ED - My favorite ED.

March 28, 2012

Spring 2012 Anime Preview

Time for the next season of Anime. This season is sure to be another good one. Even if everything else sucks, I'll still have Fate/Zero to watch! I'm going to keep trying out new formats for displaying the series until I find one that I lot. This one shows some promise, I like how much information I can pack in there! Sorry for the lack of consistency. As usual, there are plenty more Anime airing, but I'm only going to preview the ones that I'm going to watch at least one episode of. Let's begin!

March 22, 2012

Quantic Dreams Emotive Tech Demo - Kara

Heavy Rain developer Quantic Dreams has recently shown off some impressive tech that may be a glimpse into the future of game graphics. The demo is a short story about the birth of a robot companion using cutting edge motion capture technology rendered in real time on the Playstation 3. Here is the video:

March 12, 2012

Song of the Week 3/12/2012 - Shinkuu no Diamond Crevasse

Since most of the things I tend to blog about pop up only once in a blue moon, I've decided to start a new series that I can post about more often: CuddleBunny's Song of the Week! Every Monday (unless something comes up) I'll be picking a new song to share with you all. While most blogs are simply a public diary, I want my posts to have more meaning to my audience so I will offer my interpretation of the song's lyrics and a short blurb about why I like the song. The ultimate goal of this series is to not only express my love of music but to share my diverse tastes with you. Just helping anyone find a new favorite song or connect with a genre they had previously thought distasteful would make this all worth it!

It only seems appropriate to start this series with the song that Winamp says I have listened to most since I've installed it: Shinkuu no Diamond Crevasse by May'n. (Warning, this video contains spoilers for Macross Frontier.)