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February 10, 2012

Warding 101: Defensive Lane Warding

Welcome to the first part of a long series for warding in League of Legends on Summoner's Rift. I know there are a ton of guides for warding, but I wanted to create a guide for low rated players or those who are new to the warding scene. I also want to dispel a few myths by getting to young warders and inform them that it is not only the Support'sSupport is a type of champion with skills that benefit allies like heals and shields. Since they don't farm minions, they tend to itemize 5 gold per 10 items like Philosopher's Stone early and auras like Aegis of the Legion or Shurelia's Reverie later. job to buy wards. Since this is a guide for new players, jargon will have hover over tool-tips containing definitions.

February 6, 2012

Wish You Had Ranka Lee's Phone?

I know I do! Korean designer Sang Hoon Lee has the answer with his new concept for the HeartBeat Mobile Phone.